WHRDs alerts from Nicaragua

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Daniel Ortega cancels 29 more feminist and women’s rights organizations, with a total of 176 since 2018.

These closures took place over four days (September 5, 12, 19 and 23, 2022) through changes made in Law 1115 last August  24th that allow the  Ministry of the Interior to quash the legal status of organizations without the approval of the  National Assembly.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Miskita defender Anexa Alfred Cunningham denied entry into her own country, Nicaragua.

This grave offense occurred when she was returning home from Geneva, Switzerland, after participating in a session of the UN Expert Group on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, of which she has been part since last year. 

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / During the month of August, 42 more feminist and women’s rights organizations lost their legal status, with a total of 147 illegally canceled by Daniel Ortega since 2018.

Waves of massive cancellations resulted in a monthly average of 47 feminist and women’s rights organizations that were illegally and arbitrarily shut down, with a total of 147 such organizations illegally canceled since 2018. 

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Daniel Ortega shuts down feminist community radio station Radio Vos, along with eight other local radio stations and a television channel

For 18 years the community radio station has stood by the people, especially broadcasting the voices of women and the least heard social groups in the North of the country.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Another round of massive closures raises the tally to 49 feminist and women’s rights organizations illegally cancelled by Daniel Ortega since 2018.

On Tuesday, May 31st, the National Assembly of Nicaragua approved another massive cancellation of the legal standing of several different types of organizations.  This time 83 organizations were affected, including 9 feminist or women’s rights organizations.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / New wave of closures leaves 40 feminist and women’s rights organizations illegally canceled by Daniel Ortega since 2018.

The closure of these 6 leaves 40 feminist and women’s rights organizations illegally canceled by the Daniel Ortega government since April of 2018.  

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Daniel Ortega intensifies terror policy on the 4th anniversary of April 18th social uprising: 156 attacks against women defenders in just 10 days.

Since April 10, 2022, we of IM-Defensoras have registered 156 attacks against women human rights defenders in Nicaragua. Of these, 147 have been personal attacks against defenders and the other 9 have been against organizations that defend the rights of women or are run by women defenders.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government cancels yet another feminist organization: the March 8th Collective

On Thursday, March 17th, the National Assembly of Nicaragua, in response to a motion made by legislators of the ruling party, canceled the legal standing of 25 more organizations, including the feminist March 8th Collective. 

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Government shuts down two more feminist organizations: FUNDEMUNI and the María Elena Cuadra Women’s Movement

The closure of both organizations is a heavy blow to many Nicaraguan women who are now more vulnerable than ever to male chauvinist violence along with conditions of job insecurity and workplace exploitation that they face.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Feminist political prisoners face torture and abuse.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government cancels legal status of three more feminist organizations.

[WHRDAlert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government illegally expropriates family home of Patricia Orozco, a feminist, journalist, and human rights defender now living in exile.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police arbitrarily attack and retain AMA members; confiscate their belongings and materials commemorating the third anniversary of the Mother’s Day Massacre

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan women activists, journalists and human rights defenders experience prolonged situation of police harassment, surveillance and illegal home retentions.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / National Police intensify campaign of harassment and attacks against members of the April Mothers Association and CENIDH.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police surround mothers of April 2018 victims, harass them, and decommission commemorative books of their murdered sons.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / National Police intensify harassment and further limit right to movement of women human rights defenders and families.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government illegally expropriates and shuts down offices of the POPOL NA and CISAS organizations.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Ometepe police illegally detain defender and lawyer Yonarqui Martínez and violate her right to freedom of movement.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Feminist defenders and collectives face at least 16 attacks within the framework of the 8th March.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police threaten, intimidate and sexually attack journalist

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / State illegally confiscates, dismantles and takes over offices of feminist and human rights organizations

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA Somoto police detain and publically display defender, a member of Blue and White National Unity.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Political prisoner Julia Hernández sentenced to 18 years on bogus charges of drug trafficking and arms possession.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police and paramilitary forces harass and besiege members of feminist organizations

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / With harassment, police persecution and numerous restrictions on the performance of her work, authorities have violated Marisol Balladares’ right to inform on the situation of persons stricken by Hurricane Eta.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Assailants attack and seriously wound journalist Verónica Chávez, of Channel 100% Noticias.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police retain vehicle, verbally attack, and commit arbitrary acts against members of the Coalition of Rural Women in León.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Illegal detention, harassment and threats against members of ‘La Corriente’ Feminist Program

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Denial of the right to defense and arbitrary prolongation of judicial proceedings against Karla Escobar, imprisoned under precarious conditions affecting her physical and psychological health

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Government officials defame independent journalist

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Heightened smear campaign, hate speech and false claims against feminist attorney Azahálea Solís.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Continued attacks, harassment and death threats against political prisoners in the Comprehensive Women’s Penitentiary Center (EPIM)

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Death threats against transgender political prisoner in men’s prison

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Smear campaign against released political activist Nelly Roque

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Persistence of harassment, threats, and infingements on the rights, integrity and health of attorney Yonarqui Martínez

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / After a smear campaign, threats, and virtual harassment, pneumologist is fired for distributing COVID-19 protective equipment

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Released political prisoner Karla Escobar subjected to violent arrest and taken to “El Chipote” penitentiary

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / As of April 15, countrywide police harassment of mothers and families of persons killed in 2018 protests

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police lay siege to home of activist Flor Ramírez and block her exit

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Health care and access to medicine denied to activist and political prisoner Esperanza Sánchez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Social network users post threats, hate speech, and incitements to sexual violence against Kenia Gutiérrez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Student leader Dolly Mora threatened, harassed and expelled from university

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police arbitrarily detain, beat and threaten defender Irma Centeno

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police threaten and besiege home of defender Johana Ocón during March 8 commemoration

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Activist Maria Gomez detained during search of home in Masaya

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Former political prisoner denounces police siege and forcible search of home

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police arbitrarily stop and hold Vice-Coordinator of Campesino Movement at Costa Rica/Nicaragua border

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police harass and surveil home of lawyer and defender Yonarqui Martínez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest, imprisonment and torture of activist María Esperanza Sánchez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police, paramilitary forces and State institutions threaten, harass and violate rights of released political prisoner Tania Muñoz

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Paramilitary forces besiege home of defender Reyna Rodríguez and make attempt on lives of son and nephew

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Government party supporters threaten and harass independent women journalists

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Psychological torture and cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment of political prisoner Neyma Hernández

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization and smear campaigns against defenders in Condega

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police repress political prisoners’ mothers in peaceful demonstration and reporters covering the news

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Prison oficials beat political prisoner Amaya Coppens and subject her to degrading, inhuman treatment

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Paramilitary forces break into home of Ivania Alvárez, political prisoner since November 14

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Hate speech, threats, defamation and harassment of Women’s Collective of Matagalpa in social networks

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary detention, excessive use of force, groping and torture of Kenia Gutiérrez, Secretary of the Campesino Movement

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Intimidation, harassment, physical attack and theft of work equipment of activist Kosovo Estrada

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attorney and human rights defender, Yonarqui Martínez, target of threats, harassment, and shots fired into her home

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police intimidation and harassment, infringement of the right to protest, and hate speech against feminists in Matagalpa

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization and harassment of the liberated political prisoner Maribel del Socorro Rodríguez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Defender María del Socorro Oviedo Delgado suspended from law practice

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Physical attack, intimidation and besiegement of Marcela Foster, defender of the right to self-determination and autonomy of indigenous peoples

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Only hours after defender’s release, home and husband of Irlanda Jerez targeted by paramilitary forces

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Threats of death and sexual violence against ICW-Latina’s Arely Cano and family members

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Kidnapping, forced disappearance and torture of student leader Zayda Hernández

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Besiegement, harassment and physical attacks against Marlen Chow and Jennifer Brown

WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of Justina del Carmen Orozco of the April 19th Student Movement

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government arbitrarily arrests, prosecutes, and decrees preventive detention for journalist Lucía Pineda

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Harassment and intimidation of AUN university activists

NICARAGUA / Harassment, threats, intimidation, surveillance and political espionage against feminist defenders and activists

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Migratory criminalization and harassment of defenders Ana María Ara Sorribas, María Jesús Ara Sorribas and Beatrice Huber

#WHRDAlertNICARAGUA / Siege, surveillance, persecution and intimidation campaign intensifies against Nicaraguan feminists

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Intimidation and infringement of rights to protest and to freedom of expression and mobilization, targeting women defenders, families of political prisoners, and CENIDH members

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Between 20 and 25 hooded men break into cells of women political prisoners and brutally beat them

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest and criminalization of defender Haydeé Castillo

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of more than 20 women human rights defenders and demonstrators reclaiming right to peaceful protest

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary detention with excessive use of force against Doña Coquito and two other elderly women

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Physical attack, insults and threats against Maria Elena Rivera in the Caravan to Free Political Prisoners

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Stones thrown against vehicle of defender Haydeé Castillo

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest and excessive use of force against university activist Amaya Coppens, of CUDJ

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Threats, harrassment, smear campaigns, stigmatization and criminalization against Azahálea Solís, feminist attorney and human rights defender

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary detention of the women students Iskra Malespín, Grecia Ramírez, Judith Mairena and Arianna Moraga, of the CUDJ and the ACDJ

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization, defamation, labeling and threats against Mónica López Baltodano and Haydée Castillo

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization of feminist defender Jennifer Brown, of Bluefields

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrests of CUDJ members and other persons exercizing their right to peaceful protest in Chinandega, León, Managua, Carazo and Matagalpa

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Accusations, hate speech, defamation, disparagement and criminalization of women’s rights organizations in Matagalpa

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization, threats, siege and armed attack against Maritza Sevilla, her home and business

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of Irlanda Jerez, leader of self-convened citizens in Eastern Market

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Intimidation, surveillance, harassment, search and seizure of the home of Sandra Ramos, of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Grave threats against defender Francisca Ramírez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Threats and criminalization campaign against the Matagalpa Women’s Collective and Venancia Group

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Smear campaign, harassment and threats against journalist Maryórit de Fátima Guevara

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Alarming rise in attacks against women journalists

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest and physical attacks against women peacefully protesting in Masaya

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Death threats, smear campaigns and harassment against women defenders in Nicaragua

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attacks repeated against feminist defenders Haydeé Castillo, Sara Henríquez and Reyna Rodríguez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attacks, threats, defamation and harassment against women defenders in Diriomo-Diriá

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Defamation, criminalization and threats against members of the Association of Women Builders of Condega (AMCC)

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Smear campaign, criminalization and harassment against Jessica Cisneros, Yerling Aguilera and Madeleine Caracas

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Smear Campaign and threats against members of Las Amapolas Theatre Collective

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attacls against women human rights defenders in Bluefields, León, Estelí and Managua

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Repression against students including members of the April 19 Student Movement

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / No let up in the acts of aggression, harassment, criminalization and other attacks against women defenders in Nicaragua

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Far-flung attacks against women human rights defenders and students

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police and pro-government groups repress and attack defenders, students, journalists and demonstrators against Social Security reform

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Restriction on rights to transit and information for defenders and journalists covering fire at Indio Maíz Biological Reserve

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Defenders attacked and denied rights to freedom of movement and protest

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Smear campaign against Francisca Ramírez and Mónica López Baltodano of the Anti-Canal Movement

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Repression of the right to protest and the rights to free speech and movement of women human rights defenders on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / IACHR Commissioner Denied Entrance to Nicaragua

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Murder of Celedonia Zalazar: community judge and defender of indigenous territory on Caribbean Coast

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization of Workers’ Rights Defenders at Sae Technotex

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest, excessive use of force and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment against Aydil del Carmen Urbina Noguera

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attempt against son of anti-canal leader Francisca Ramírez

#WHRDAlertNICARAGUA / Abuse of authority; imprisonment; and cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment of defender Thelma Francisca Suárez Oliva

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Illegal detention, infringement of the rights of defenders of the Broad Front for Democracy to free circulation and protest

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Onda Local radio program taken off air

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Campaign of harassment, defamation and threats stepped up against Nicaraguan rights defenders

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Women cabinet members and government oficials defame and slander CENIDH President Vilma Nuñez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Death threat against Lottie Cunningham, defender of the rights of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples


#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police confiscate work vehicles from defender Francisca Ramírez


#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government represses right to peaceful protest against imposition of Grand Interoceanic Canal


#WHRDAlert Arbitrary detention of members of September 28th Campaign & Nicaraguan Initiatiative of WHRDs


#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Forced entry and property damage at Acción Ya Shelter


#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of Francisca Ramírez and members of Mesoamerican Caravan for Good Living

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary Detention; Degrading treatment, cruel and inhumane; and criminalization against Arelys Cano Meza

#WHRDAlert MESOAMERICA / Inter-American Comission on Human Rights (IACHR) in danger of shutting downf for lack of funds.

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Physical attack on Gabriela García and her partner Carlos Bonilla, members of the Nicaraguan Democratic Movement (MDN)

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Forced entry at AMIFANIC and theft of equipment containing confidential information

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Mariela Lissette Molina Peña

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Radio Voice of Women

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Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders

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