[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Threats against defender and member of Feminist Artisans Collective due to her support for case against gender violence in Antigua

Alejandra Hernández 

 Colectiva Feminista Artesanas (Feminist Artisans Collective) of Antigua, Guatemala

Women’s rights; the right to a life free from violence 

THE FACTS – As of last December 2nd, after the publication in social networks by the Feminist Artisans Collective of a denunciation against an alleged  woman abuser and assailant, messages began to appear from men defending the individual in question; some of these were direct threats against defender Alejandra Hernández, a member of the Collective. 

The Collective is accompanying one of the victims of the presumed assailant, who has been denounced more than once for violent aggression against other women. He seems to be able to count on the backing of Antigua Police Department, whose agents have gone with him to the home of the complainant to intimidate her and oblige her to desist in the denunciation.  

The nature of the threats against Alejandra make it clear that their author has been fishing  for information about the defender. This search, along with the precedents of violence and misogynous attacks attributed to the aggressor, places the defender in an obvious risk situation.  

We of IM-Defensoras express our repudiation of these acts, as well as our solidarity and acknowledgement of the work of Alejandra Hernández and her companions in the Feminist Artisans Collective in support of the rights of women to equality and a life free from violence in Antigua, Guatemala.

In the same vein, we demand that the Guatemalan government comply with its obligation to guarantee protection to Alejandra and other Collective members with respect for their right to the defense of human rights in conditions of freedom and security.  


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