[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Constant aggression, threats and harassment against families of feminicide victims in Mexico City encampment

Families of feminicide victims “Nuestras hijas de regreso a casa" (Bring our daughters home)

The right to a life free from violence; the right to truth, justice and reparations

THE FACTS – Family members of disappeared women and feminicide victims have been participating in an encampment in the Mexico City Zocalo since last July 6th; they denounce the fact that since then, they have been subjected to aggression, threats, intimidation and harassment.

The camp outside the National Palace is a protest against the lack of forward movement in investigations and judicial processes regarding feminicide victims, and is also a way to let the President of Mexico know that the families want a meeting with him. They did have a meeting with the Minister of the Interior yesterday, July 28, but since there is no written record of the agreements reached, persons and collectives are continuing to demand a meeting with the country’s top executive in pursuit of their human rights.

We of IM-Defensoras and the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico stand in solidarity with the families in the encampment; we support their just demands as we remind the government of its obligation to guarantee the security of the families and the exercise of their legitimate right to social protest.

We call on the international community to express their solidarity with these families in their tireless search for truth, justice and reparations.

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