#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Slander and smear campaign against young Salvadoran feminists

Katherine García and Verónica Larin

Feminist activists and defenders of the rights of women and youth

Attacks experienced
Slander and smear campaign

THE FACTS – Last January 23rd, a series of montages with false messages were published in Lucrecia Landaverde’s Facebook account with references to the young feminist activists and rights defenders Katherine García and Verónica Larin.

Previously, comments had begun to appear on that same page ridiculing LGBTI persons and human rights work, while fomenting an anti-rights discourse. It seems to us that such actions foster rhetoric that may be considered a justification for hatred.

Katherine García is a young feminist human rights activist. Verónica Larin is a lawyer, educator and feminist human rights defender.

We of IM-Defensoras and the Salvadoran Network of Women Human Rights Defenders extend our solidarity to Katherine García and Verónica Larin and gratefully acknowledge their contribution to the defense of the rights of women and youth.

We demand that the Salvadoran government concede protection to both women and give public recognition to the crucial figure of the human rights defender; we further demand that authorities grant Katherine García and Verónica Larin all guarantees necessary for engaging in defense work without facing aggression for their efforts.

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