#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Defamation, smear campaigns and threats against Bessy Ríos, cyber-activist and human rights defender of women and sexual diversity


Salvadoran Network of Women Human Rights Defenders

Cyber-activist and defender of the rights of women and sexual diversity

Attacks experienced

Defamation, smear campaigns and threats

THE FACTS – Bessy Ríos is a widely recognized human rights defender who emphasizes the rights of women and sexual diversity. She has a Law degree and is recognized as a cyber-activist due to her activity in social networks.

Last June 25th, on national television Bessy Ríos referred to Representative Guillermo Gallegos of the Gana party and to the security policy of the new government, demanding an end to their attacks on human rights defenders and stressing that such acusations put defenders’ lives at risk.

That same day, many anonymous twitter accounts slandered the defender, associating her with illicit groups, blaming her for criminal acts, and threatening her with death.

We of IM-Defensoras and the Salvadoran Network of Women Defenders repudiate these acts and demand that the Salvadoran government guarantee the security of defender Bessy Ríos and her family, and of people who defend the right to defend rights in the country.

And finally, we express our solidarity with Bessy Ríos and recognize the importance of her work in defending human rights in El Salvador.

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