#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Migratory criminalization and harassment of defenders Ana María Ara Sorribas, María Jesús Ara Sorribas and Beatrice Huber

Ana María Ara Sorribas, María Jesús Ara Sorribas and Beatrice Huber

Women’s rights; Political rights

Attacks experienced
Migratory criminalization and harassment

THE FACTS – On Monday, November 26th, the defenders Ana María Ara Sorribas and María Jesús Ara Sorribas, who have Spanish State nationality and have been residents in Nicaragua since 1985, along with Beatrice Huber, with Swiss nationality, who has been a resident in Nicaragua for 22 years, went to the offices of the Ministry of Migration and Foreign Affairs (DGME) in response to a subpoena which, without specifying the motive, was served on them two days beforehand, on Saturday, November 24th.

During several hours of interrogation at the DGME, they were accused of having participated in and promoted political activities, which is prohibited for residents, and it was falsely argued that this was the third warning they had received. The migratory authorities then proceeded to revoke María Jesus’s residency permit, which was still valid. Furthermore, the three were informed that they must reinitiate the process of applying for residence. (Ana María’s and Beatrice’s permits were in the process of being renewed.) Accordingly, the three defenders were told they must appear before the migration authorities every two weeks.

All of this happened in the context of an intensification of the government campaign of repression and persecution of feminist defenders and organizations following the criminalizing hate speech of Vice President Rosario Murillo, on Friday, November 23rd.

We of IM-Defensoras condemn these arbitrary acts that have no other purpose than to repress and restrict the right to defend rights of feminist defenders and organizations. We demand the immediate reinstatement of the residency permit of María Jesús Ara, and guarantees of a procedure in adherence to law in the case of the renovations underway of the permits of Ana María Ara and Beatrice.

Likewise, we demand an immediate end to the persecution of feminist defenders, organizations and movements in Nicaragua, and an end to the repression and violence of leaders and social movements, human rights organizations, and the general public.

We call on the international community to show its solidarity with all defenders and to keep up the pressure to find a peaceful solution to the grave socio-political and human rights crisis afflicting the country.

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