#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Harassment and intimidation of AUN university activists

Mildred Rayo, Arianna Moraga, Karla Esquivell and Dolly Mora

Nicaraguan University Alliance (AUN)

Political rights

Harassment, threats, intimidation

THE FACTS – On Wednesday, December 18th, after having participated the day before in a mobilization to free political prisoners in Nicaragua, an action that was widely covered in the news media, university activists Mildred Rayo, Arianna Moraga, Karla Esquivel and Dolly Mora were subjected to a number of acts of intimidation, threats and harassment by the police.

The rights defenders have denounced the fact that police agents appeared in their homes or homes of their famílies, conducting searches and seizures and asking about them with a threatening attitude of intimidation.

We of IM-Defensoras condemn this infringement of the legitimate right to protest along with repression and intimidation perpetrated by the State in Nicaragua.

We demand an immediate end to the campaign of repression and persecution against persons, organizations and social movements unleashed in Nicaragua, which has been denounced and condemned by numerous human rights entities and organizations throughout the world. We reiterate our call for dialogue leading to a peaceful solution to the grave socio-political human rights crisis that the country is experiencing.

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