#WHRDAlertNICARAGUA / Siege, surveillance, persecution and intimidation campaign intensifies against Nicaraguan feminists

Dora Téllez, Sofía Montenegro, Azahálea Solís, Ana Margarita Vigil, Tamara Dávila, Suyen Barahona, Violeta Granera

Women’s rights, Political rights

Attacks experienced
Siege, surveillance, persecution and intimidation

THE FACTS – As of this past November 23rd, the Vice President of the Nicaraguan government, Rosario Murillo, has made statements that point out and criminalize feminist women and organizations in the country, using hate speech against them. A heightened campaign of attacks includes surveillance, persecution and even illegal deportation against well-known members of the feminist movement.

In this context, Dora Téllez, Sofía Montenegro , Azahálea Solís, Ana Margarita Vigil, Tamara Davila, Suyen Barahona and Violeta Granera have denounced the fact that unknown persons in vehicles and motorcycles have been surveilling their movements, homes and in some cases, family businesses. They take pictures of people who come and go, follow them, and even make threats and perpetrate acts of intimidation against them. Surveillance includes the use of drones and other devices that indicate a strategy planned by police intelligence units with widespread access to resources.

We of IM-Defensoras express our concern and condemnation of this escalation in the gravity, planning, discretion and arbitrary nature of the attacks against these comrades and other members of the feminist movement.

This campaign undoubtedly reflects a government strategy to repress and silence one of the movements that has been strongest in denouncing the grave human rights violations against the Nicaraguan people by the State, which have heightened since the beginning of the sociopolitical crisis that has beset the country since last April.

We demand an immediate end to this campaign of persecution and repression against members of the feminist movement and to any action that infringes on the human rights of the comrades; we hold the State responsible for any attack whatsoever against their lives and integrity.

We call on the international community, and especially on feminist networks, organizations and movements, to stand in solidarity with the Nicaraguan comrades and to denounce this situation.

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