#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Accusations, hate speech, defamation, disparagement and criminalization of women’s rights organizations in Matagalpa

Matagalpa Women’s Collective, Venancia Group and Radio Vos

Women’s rights. The Rght to Information and Freedom of Expression

Attacks experienced
Accusations, hate speech, defamation, disparagement and criminalization

THE FACTS – On Monday, August 13th, defamatory and malicious information laced with hate speech was posted on a social network against the Matagalpa Womeen’s Collective, the Venancia Group and Radio Vos, with the clear intention of publicly stigmatizing and criminalizing these collectives and their members.

We refuse the false accusations of terrorism against organizations with a long history of the defense of the human rights of women and the LGBTI community, and about despective, misogynous comments with allusions to the sexual orientation of the members.

Any act that might negatively affect the performance of the vital work of these collectives would leave many women defenseless and would be an irreparable blow to the human rights of the Nicaraguan people.

We of IM-Defensoras send our sisterhood, recognition and deep respect to the Matagalpa Women’s Collective, Venancia Group and Radio Vos for their invaluable work. Likewise, we repudiate and condemn misogynous hate speech against them. We demand that the Nicaraguan government abstain from any action that criminalizes these organizations and hold it responsable for any harm that may befall their members.

Lastly, we invite the international community to stand in solidarity with the groups and to publicly express respect and recognition for their work that is indispensable for the rights of Nicaraguan women.

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