#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Grave threats against defender Francisca Ramírez

Francisca Ramírez

National Council in Defense of our Land, Lake and Sovereignty

Defense of land, territory and natural assets

Attacks experienced

THE FACTS – On Friday, July 13th, Edén Pastora, a longstanding member of Nicaragua’s ruling party, who now holds the position of Director of Dredgng the San Juan River, made a series of threats against Francisca Ramírez related to her role as government crític. He made these threats in an interview on the Live Magazine program ofChannel 4, a nationwide open television channel that is the property of the Ortega-Murillo presidential family.

In the interview, Edén Pastora said: “The Ramírez girl has been trying to get herself jailed and killed, first by causing trouble over the Canal and now this.” It is important to note that just a few days before last week’s attack against several members of the Catholic Church, Edén Pastora had made accusations against them, which makes his threats against Francisca Ramírez all the more disconcerting.

It is also important to remember that the defender has been granted precautionary measures by the IACHR and that in recent years, due to her struggle against the imposition of the Interoceanic Canal, she has been a frequent target of different types of aggression, including criminalization, judicial prosecution and physical attacks.

We of IM-Defensoras condemn these threats and demand guarantees for the safety and security of defender Francisca Ramírez; we hold the Nicaraguan government responsible for any ill that may befall her.

Moreover, we call on the international community to express solidarity with the defender and stay on the alert to further developments in the situation.

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