#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of Irlanda Jerez, leader of self-convened citizens in Eastern Market

Irlanda Jerez

Leader of self-convened citizens in Eastern Market

Political rights

Attacks experienced
Arbitrary arrest; physical attacks

THE FACTS – On Wednesday afternoon, July 18th, as Irlanda Jerez was returning from a press conference in which several members of the Nicaraguan Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders had participated, the vehicle in which she, her father and another comrade were riding was intercepted by a group of hooded police and para-police agents.

The assailants obliged the three occupants of the vehicle to get out, and after beating the defender, took her away to an unknown location.

We of IM-Defensoras demand the immediate live presentation of the defender Irlanda Jerez and and hold the Nicaraguan government responsible for any harm that may be done to her.

We call on the international community to demand that the Nicaraguan government ensure the presentation of the defender and to stay on the alert for developments in this extremely serious situation.

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