#SOSNicaragua We demand effective compliance by the Nicaraguan government with the recommendations adopted by the IACHR and end its campaign of repression against the civilian population and withdraw the protection and impunity given to paramilitary groups

  • We express our strongest condemnation and repudiation of the acts of violence and repression that took place on May 30th in the April Mothers March. According to the CENIDH, these were perpetrated by the government. As of now, there are 11 deaths amd more than 70 wounded in Managua, Estelí and Masaya.
  • We demand that the Nicaraguan government immedately end its campaign of repression against the civilian population and withdraw the protection and impunity given to paramilitary groups. Since last April 19fh these groups have committed innumerable human rights violations, including murders, forced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, physical attacks, harassment, smear campaigns, and the criminalization of organizations and persons who defend human rights.
  • We demand effective compliance by the Nicaraguan government with the recommendations adopted by the IACHR at the conclusion of its visit on May 21st.
  • We stand in solidarity with the April Mothers and recognize that their demand for justice is the necessary path to peace and democracy if we are to overcome the grave situation of human rights violations that Nicaragua is experiencing.

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