#WHRDAlert MÉXICO / Attempted homicide of Sandra Peniche, #DSR defender in Yucatan

Sandra Peniche Quintal

Humanitarian Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health

Defense of sexual and reproductive rights

Attacks experienced
Attempted homicide

THE FACTS – This morning, defender Sandra Peniche, the President of Humanitarian Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health based in Mérida, Yucatán, was the target of an attempted homicide when she was stabbed by an unknown assailant.

IM-Defensoras and the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico (RNDDHM) vigorously condemn the brutal attack and denounce the failure of the authorities to take action against the aggressor. They were well aware of the risk that the defender faced as a consequence of the “40 Days of Life Campaign,” pushed by so-called ‘pro-life’ groups.

Last March 9th, Sandra Peniche was subjected to harrassment by city police after a complaint was filed by conservative campaign groups that displayed a hostile attitude to the clínic run by Humanitarian Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health, as they “prayed” for the life of the unborn.

We agree with the United Nations Organizations, which points out that fundamentalist groups represent one of the greatest threats to the defense of human rights.

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