Second National Encounter of Women Human Rights Defenders

Nicaraguan Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders - More than 90 women human rights defenders from all regions of Nicaragua converged at the Second National Encounter of Women Human Rights Defenders entitled “If you hurt one, we all react,” held in the city of Matagalpa last February 2nd and 3rd.

This is the second time women defenders have gathered to talk about experiences in their respective territories and about the human rights in particular that they defend. They also spoke of the relevance to their work of having been able to come together with other women defenders and share their struggles as part of the Nicaraguan Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders.

At the gathering, a participatory methodology was followed, in which defenders analyzed the particular circumstances they contend with in the course of their work in each country, and on that basis, identified advances and setbacks in their defense of human rights. This analysis resulted in the participants’ adoption of a unanimous públic position, signed by all, which expresses their main concerns and demands.

The defenders also explored in depth the importance of self-care for themselves and the contribution they make to society, thereby moving ahead in the analysis of risks they face and the identification of particular strategies for comprehensive protection.

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