#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Defender Meztli Sarabia Killed in Puebla


October 28th People’s Street Vendors Union (UPVA)

“Right to work” defender

Attack experienced

THE FACTS – We repudiate the cowardly murder of Meztli Sarabia, a member of the October 28th People’s Street Vendors Union (UPVA) in Puebla, and daughter of Rubén Sarabia (Simitrio), political prisoner and leader of the organization.

Around 11 am on Thursday, June 29, a group of armed men burst into a UPVA rally for the freedom of political prisoner Xihuel Sarabia (Simitrio’s son), attacking three of the people who were present.

The assailants shot workers’ rights defender Meztli in the stomach and left a message. “This is for Simitrio, he better stop fucking with us.” Then they finished off Meztli with the clàssic coup de grâce ––one shot in the head. Two other UPVA members were beaten and one was shot in the arm.

We vigorously oppose impunity for this crime and demand security guarantees for UPVA members and Meztli’s family. We demand an end to the murder of activists and human rights defenders.

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