We of the Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders and Defenred, are organizing a virtual dialogue on the self-care of human rights defenders. The name of this dialogue is: “Self-Care, a Political Strategy in Defense of Human Rights”.
Both organizations have been working on the issue of self-care for several months, and its importance for the protection of human rights defenders and the sustainability of social movements. We believe that reflection, sensitization, and outreach on the issue is highly important.
In this process, we think one of the strategies for heightening sensitization is to open a public debate in Spanish on the issue, thereby offering a space in which different defenders worldwide can participate and talk about self-care.
We want to debate on self-care and collective care in the sphere of human rights; discover why this is a basic political strategy for defenders, their organizations and movements; share and become familiar with experiences that work; and visualize this from a feminist, gender perspective in order to analyze the future challenges and paths that we are proposing.
The virtual dialogue will be held on the internet on a platform called http://www.newtactics.org during the week of November 28th - December 2nd. It will be a dialogue in which defenders from all parts of the (mainly Spanish-speaking) world can participate, as well as organizations working in the area of human rights; thus, it can be an interesting space for coming together and debating the issue.
There will be certain people who dynamize the conversation, but participation is voluntary. Anyone can participate; in fact, we think it could be very interesting to have input from a variety of people and organizations.
If you are interested in participating in this dialogue, you can sign up on the platform. The conversation will be held from Monday through Friday, and you can participate as many times as you wish, either by answering what has been written or bringing up new subjects.
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Here, you can see more concretely the goals and objectives that we are proposing.
We hope we can count on your participation and we thank you for spreading the word about the dialogue.