mujeres presos políticos guatemala ENG

GUATEMALA / We recognize, admire and support the struggle of the women, wives, daughters and family members of the political prisoners of Huehuetenago, Guatemala


During the last few days, a trial has been going on after judicial proceedings were initiated against seven community authorities from Santa Cruz Barillas and Santa Eulalia, in the province of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. These men are being criminalized for defending their territory and natural environament, and five of them have been held in preventive detention for the last year.

They expect a sentence to be dictated in their case today, Friday, July 22, at 6 pm.

IM-Defensoras and the Guatemalan Network of Women Defenders hereby express our recognition, admiration and suport for the women, wives, daughters and family membres who have never stopped demanding justice in this case, and who have steadfastly maintained their commitment to the defense of justice and to the defense of their territories and communities.

‪#‎Let’s Defend Women Defenders

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