The National Network of Women Defenders in Mexico (RNDDHM) is a network of women journalists and defenders with very diverse features: women from urban and rural communities, peasants, students, workers, professionals, indigenous, mestiza, youth, elders, feminists, lesbians, trans, etc. All of us are committed to human rights defense.

We emerged in 2010 with the objective of responding in a coordinated manner to the many forms of violence that women journalists and defenders face due to the work they conduct and their gender, as well as to contribute to the continuity of their struggles and their work in conditions of equality and security.

By integrating a feminist holistic protection perspective, what prevails is our principle of protection by, for and with sister defenders and journalists: networks save lives.

Highlights of México

In 2022, we registered 768 attacks against women defenders and organizations that defend the right to a life free from violence in Mesoamerica

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[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Armed assailants intercept, threaten, and steal car of searching woman defender Araceli Salcedo, of the Orizaba-Cordoba Disappeared Families Collective.

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Mexico: Three years after her arbitrary detention, we demand the release of Kenia Hernández

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We are


Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders

We call our political project to take care of ourselves together:

Feminist Holistic Protection (FHP)

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women network