#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police lay siege to home of activist Flor Ramírez and block her exit

Flor Ramírez


Social and political rights

Attacks experienced

Siege, surveillance, excessive use of force, violation of right to freedom of movement

THE FACTS – For the last four days, police agents have engaged in acts of surveillance and intimidation outside the home of activist Flor Ramírez, also known as Doña Flor.

This Friday, March 27, at 6 o’clock in the morning, an armed policeman stood in her doorway. As she was going out to buy food, he blocked her way, using force to oblige her to go back into the house. When Doña Flor demanded an explanation, he alleged that “she could not go out because she is an instigator.”

On March 30 of last year, 2019, Doña Flor was subjected to a violent arbitrary arrest during a nationwide protest. She has become a symbol of anti-government protests because she dances in traditional dress at marches. Since the beginning of the crisis in April of 2018, she has repeatedly been the target of attacks, threats and harassment, which have resulted in serious damage to her state of health.

These acts of harassment and the deprivation of freedom of movement against Flor Ramírez mirror systematic attacks against other activists and human rights defenders and their families throughout the country in what is clearly a State strategy designed to intimidate, repress and demobilize those who raise critical voices against the government.

We of IM-Defensoras repudiate and condemn the attacks against Doña Flor and demand an end to the acts of besiegement and harassment against her; we further demand respect for her right to freedom of movement and hold the Nicaraguan government responsible for any attempt against her physical, moral or psychological integrity.

We repeat our call to the international community to stay abreast of what is happening in Nicaragua, where the political and human rights crisis initiated in April of 2018 is still in effect, and where attacks, harassment and political persecution against activists and human rights defenders are systematic and continuous.

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