#UrgentAlert EL SALVADOR / Salvadoran authorities obstruct rights of journalists and women defenders to inform and defend during Covid-19 emergency situation.

In keeping with measures adopted for dealing with Covid-19, authorities in El Salvador have blocked people in quarantine shelters from communicating and denouncing what is happening inside.

The Salvadoran Network of Women Human Rights Defenders has been able to verify rights violations and bad conditions in some of the centers. Among the irregularities reported are: the permission granted for delivery of products to officials’ family members; lack of drinking water; restrictions on freedom of movement; lack of time outdoors; and overcrowding.

We call for respect for the right to defend rights, and for the rights to freedom of expression and information of the journalists covering this crisis.

We of the Salvadoran Network of Women Human Rights Defenders and the Mesoamerican Initiative for Women Human Rights Defenders are keeping a close eye on the situation to assure an end to these abuses of power.

We refuse to allow the use of a social welfare or State control discourse to obstruct peoples’ freedoms during the management of the Covid-19 crisis in El Salvador and Mesoamerica. Human rights must be maintained above and beyond any other interest.

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