National Police and paramilitary forces obstruct right to peaceful protest, harassing and arresting journalists and activists throughout the country

On Tuesday, February 26, a wave of National Police and paramilitary repression took place in Nicaragua. At the break of day in Managua and other cities throughout the country, a massive deployment of police and paramilitary forces occurred after a number of groups called for a march to free the country’s political prisoners.

Reports cite at least 34 incidents of collective detention, attacks, harassment, and abduction of formerly imprisoned persons, journalists, activists, human rights defenders and their families all day long.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, journalists and activists were attacked and expelled from the Metrocentro shopping mall in Managua for demanding freedom for political prisoners and expressing their opposition to the Daniel Ortega government. Four women activists were attacked and detained in this incident and at least five young persons were also detained.

It is important to note that the day prior to the attacks, we of IM-Defensoras had issued an Urgent Action Alert denouncing hostilities at the homes of feminists, previously released political prisoners and social activists. In the Alert, we also warned of the possibility that the State would respond with repression and violence to the protests called for the following day.

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