#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary detention, excessive use of force, groping and torture of Kenia Gutiérrez, Secretary of the Campesino Movement

Kenia María Gutiérrez Gómez

Campesino Movement

Defense of land, territory and natural assets

Attacks experienced
Arbitrary detention, use of excessive force, groping and torture

THE FACTS – On Sunday, November 17, the defender Kenia Gutiérrez was arbitrarily detained with the use of excessive force by the police while she was participating in a meeting with campesinos and campesinas in Cinco Pinos.

The defender was taken to the Santo Tomás police station, where she was beaten and subjected to groping, degrading treatement and torture. After approximately one hour, she was released.

Kenia Gutiérrez is the Secretary of the Campesino Movement and a former political prisoner who was released last May 20. While imprisoned, she was subjected to physical and psychological torture, and since her release, has suffered harassment and other attacks.

We of IM-Defensoras condemn this attack and demand an end to the harassment and persecution of Kenia Gutiérrez, of all released political prisoners, and of human rights defenders in the country.

We call on the international community to stay on the alert and to denounce the current situation of heightened repression and political persecution in Nicaragua.


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