#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempted kidnapping and/or murder of Sandra Maribel Sánchez, human rights defender and Radio Progreso journalist

Sandra Maribel Sánchez

Radio Progreso

The right to information

Attack experienced
Attempted kidnapping and/or murder

THE FACTS - At 5:30 pm on Thursday, September 26, an unidentified male got off of the motorcycle he was riding and held a 9 mm revolver to the head of Sandra Maribel Sánchez, who had gotten out of her car to open the gate to her home. Fortunately, just as he was motioning to her to get back in her vehicle, another car came slowly down the street, spoiling the plans of the aggressor who fled on his motorcycle.

It is important to note that Sandra Maribel had previously received work-related threats to her life and integrity. This attack, therefore, entails a grave escalation that is truly alarming with regards to the level of risk she now faces.

Sandra Maribel is a widely recognized journalist and human rights defender in Honduras, who visibilizes and denounces both government corruption and the attacks, criminalization and political persecution of human rights defenders throughout the country. Thus, her work is crucial, especially for women human rights defenders, and she is seen as a key ally of women’s organizations and movements.

We of IM-Defensoras and the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Honduras condemn this attempt on the life and integrity of Sandra Maribel Sánchez and demand that the Honduran government conduct a thoroughgoing investigation into the attack and guarantee the security of the journalist and her right to free expression.

Likewise, we express our solidarity with Sandra Maribel Sánchez and our recognition of her highly significant work, as we call on the international community to stand in solidarity with her and stay abreast of the situation.

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