#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attack on offices of Ecumenical Women for the Right to Decide damages mural dedicated to Berta Cáceres, Margarita Murillo and the Mirabal sisters

Ecumenical Women for the Right to Decide (EDD)

Sexual and reproductive rights

Attack experienced
Attack on offices

THE FACTS – On the afternoon of March 7th, just before the celebration of International Women’s Day, EDD members were in the organization’s offices when they heard a loud noice outside, specifically on the part of the building that hosts a mural dedicated to Berta Cáceres, Margarita Murillo and the Mirabal sisters. When they went outdoors to check, they found a huge stone and a hole apparently made by it in the mural.

Recently, due to the organization’s work in support of women’s rights, EDD has been the target of a number of attacks, including the temporary cancellation of its Facebook page, threats, and virtual harassment. Some members have also been followed in the streets.

We of IM-Defensoras and the National Network for Women Human Rights Defenders in Honduras condemn this attack and extend our solidarity to the comrades of Ecumenical Women for the Right to Decide.

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