#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary retention of vehicle and harassment of Miriam Miranda and OFRANEH members

Miriam Miranda

National Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH)

Defense of territory and rights of Garifuna people

Attacks experienced
Arbitrary retention of vehicle; harassment

THE FACTS – On Wednesday, January 16th, on the Saba-Racoa highway near Guapinol, military personnel intercepted the vehicle in which defender and OFRANEH Coordinator Miriam Miranda was traveling to Vallecito along with other members of the organization.

The defender charges that the military agents stopped them and “treated them like criminals” while attempting to confiscate the vehicle without the required court order.

It is important to note that these acts took place just outside Guapinol, where Garifuna communities continue to resist in defense of their wàter, and consequently, suffer constant State repression.

This is not the first incident of this type experienced by Miriam Miranda. Due to her ongoing work as a rights defender, she has repeatedly been subjected to attacks that include arbitrary arrest, criminalization, kidnapping and physical assaults.

We of IM-Defensoras and the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Honduras hereby denounce and condemn this latest attack against Miriam Miranda and OFRANEH, as well as the situation of militarization, repression and harassment faced by communities in resistance in the Guapinol area.

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