The recent State offensive in Nicaragua against feminist human rights organizations, as we of IM-Defensoras have denounced, has provoked the arbitrary cancellation of the status as legal entities of CENIDH, CISAS, IEEPP and Let’s Make Democracy. Today the National Asssembly targeted five more organizations, cancelling the legal status of the Leadership Institute of the Segovias (ILLS), the Institute for Development and Democracy (IPADE), the Foundation for the Conservation and Development of Southeastern Nicaragua (the River Foundation), the Communications Research Center (CINCO) and the Popol Na Foundation for Municipal Promotion and Development.
It is important to note that the leadership of these organizations, all of which have a proven track record of working for human rights in the country, includes feminist defenders who have been subjected to repeated, systematic attacks: Haydeé Castillo, Monica López Baltodano, Sofia Montenegro and Violeta Delgado, some of whom have even had to go into exile to guarantee their security and integrity.
We of IM-Defensoras reiterate our absolute condemnation of these arbtitrary acts that infringe upon the freedom of association and the right to defend the human rights of the Nicaraguan people, who have benefitted from the crucial work of these organizations in different social and human rights situations, but are now left increasingly defenseless.
We demand an immediate end to the campaign of persecution and repression against feminist human rights organizations and social moviments in Nicaragua. In view of the gravity of the situation and the deaf ears of the government, we call on the international community and human rights entities to take a stand and intervene in order to facilitate a peaceful, democratic solution to the socio-political and human rights crisis that the county is experiencing.