#WHRDAlertHONDURAS / Stop the repression associated with the National Strike against electoral fraude

In the context of the  National Strike called by the Opposition Alliance against the Dictatorship to reject the electoral fraude perpetrated last November 26th, in which the re-election of current president Juan Orlando Hernández was imposed:

  • We demand that the government of Honduras guarantee the legítimate right to protest of the Honduran people, as well as the security and integrity of those who exercise this right, especially women and their organizations, who are on the front lines of the struggle for the human and political rights of the Honduran people.
  • In keeping with the declaration of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OACNUDH), we demand that the Army not be used to repress the people.
  • We demand the  immediate freedom of all political prisoners, as well as an investigation, trial and punishment for those responsible for more than 31  murders that have taken place in the protests against the fraude.
  • We hold the Honduran government responsible for any act of violence perpetrated and for the consequences of any such act.
  • We issue an urgent call to the international community to stay abreast of the serious situation existing in Honduras and to apply pressure at all levels in order to arrive at a peaceful solution that is respectful of the standards of human rights, democracy and political rights of the Honduran people.

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