Berta didn’t die, she multiplied...

On Thursday, March 2nd, one year after the murder of our comrade Berta Cáceres, many organizations and people all over the planet responded to the call sent out by COPINH and joined in the unanimous demand for justice and the celebration of a legacy of feminist struggle in defense of the territory, life, and dignity of “this humanity,” as she said.

Taking up the call sent out by the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Honduras, the national networks in Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala, along with the Nicaraguan Defender Initiative, protested outside the Honduran embassies in their own countries along with other organizations and comrades. The same kind of action took place in other cities of the world, while the social networks were full of solidarity messages with COPINH, celebrations of Berta’s life, and demands that justice be done for this crime.

Images of concentrations in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, and of our Co-Coordinator Orfe Castillo, speaking with the media in Mexico City.

Between 10 am and 2 pm, in response to calls that we sent out along with COPINH during these days of action, TWITTER turned into a storm of messages to the President of Honduras with the Hashtags #1YearWithoutJustice and #JusticeForBerta. It’s important to note that our account, along with those of other organizations, was blocked by the President’s oficial account, showing his unwillingness to listen and respnd to those of us who respectfully sent messages to him in keeping with our right to express ourselves. Many thanks to everyone who participated in this action and/or helped to spread the word about it!

The proof that #BertaLives one year after the seed of her body was sown, is much more than a proclamation; it is an unquestionable, irrevocable reality. As of March 1st, the first day of actions convoked by COPINH, her presence in the streets, in all kinds of news media, and in social networks was impossible to summarize in one article. Humanity is gradually awakening, heeding the call sent out by Berta, who never ceases to multiply and be present wherever a woman is defying mandates and exercising her right to be, to struggle, to dream and to work to make her dream come true of a better world for herself and all people everywhere.

And so, one year from the day her seed was sown, #1YearWithoutJustice, we must not stop celebrating her life and demanding #JusticeForBerta.

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