Berta Zúñiga Caceres and Rosalina Dominguez, of COPINH, require #JusticeForBerta in the Spanish State

The first week of May the European tour of Berta Zúñiga Cáceres and Rosalina Domínguez, of COPINH, reached the Spanish State, passing through the cities of Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Zaragoza and Madrid, where local and regional authorities and human rights organizations continued to demand justice for the murder of Berta Cáceres. They are demanding that an independent commission of the IACHR take charge of the investigation and are also spreading the word about the struggle and situation of the Lenca communities in resistance to the imposition of the DESA company’s hydroelectric project. In one of the events in Madrid, entitled "Talk on struggles and resistance in Honduras," which took place on Friday, May 6, in the Spanish Advocacy Council, the Honduran women defenders were accompanied by our comrade and IM-Defensoras member, Marusia López, who presented data from our 2012-2014 Report on Attacks against Women Human Rights Defenders in Mesoamerica.

Watch complete video of the "Talk on struggles and
resistance in Honduras" (in Spanish)

Berta Zúñiga and Rosalina Domínguez at May 2 meeting with the President of the Parliament in Catalunya, Carme Forcadell, and the Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, courtesy of EntrePobles / EntrePueblos

Image of the homage to Berta Cáceres last May 4 in Bilbao (Euskadi, Spanish State), courtesy of Ecuador Etxea. See more information and images of the event (in Spanish)

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