#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / UPDATE - Criminalization against Orbelina Flores

Orbelina Flores Hernández is a campesina women rights defender and member of the Permanent Human Rights Observatory of the Aguan.
For many years, campesinas, campesinos and women human rights defenders in the Lower Aguan River Valley have been involved in a land conflict with large landowners and consequently, have been subjected to persecution, threats, criminalization, killings and other human rights violations in an increasingly militarized territory.

In 2010, Orbelina was criminalized along with 40 other people and accused of “usurpation.” The defender was then granted precautionary measures by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

In our #WHRDAlert last March 15, we denounced the arbitrary arrest of Orbelina Flores and other members of her family.

The defender now faces further criminalization and prosecution for the alleged offense of “land usurpation.” Hearings are scheduled in the courts of Tocoa, Colón on April 12 and 13.

IM-Defensoras demands that the Honduran government:

-Put an immediate end to the prosecution of Orbelina Flores Hernández and other members of the Permanent Human Rights Observatory of the Aguan.
-Provide guarantees for the security and integrity of Orbelina Flores and other members of her organization.
-Renounce criminalization as an instrument for punishing and inhibiting the work of women human rights defenders.

And finally, we call on all international organizations and entities to stand in solidarity with the defender and carefully monitor the case.

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