#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Justice for women today! #CasoSepurZarco

The trial of the case known as Sepur Zarco will begin on 1 February in Guatemala City for the crimes of sexual violence, sexual and domestic slavery against Q´eqchi´ women.

The Sepur Zarco case is a symbol of the perseverance and bravery of the 15 female victims, who overcame fear and setbacks in order to break women can access the judicial system.

We at the Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders (IM-Defensoras) would like to send a message of support to the Alianza Rompiendo el Silencio y la Impunidad (Alliance to End Silence and Impunity), UNAMG, ECAP and MTM, as well as to the women plaintiffs and their families supporting them on the road to justice.

We will be following the proceedings, and will be making sure that their rights are respected so they can do their work without fear of reprisal and with guarantees for their safety.

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