#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / New attack against WHRD Irma Lemus: Attempt on her life

Irma Lemus is a rural woman leader and sub-coordinator of the Observatorio Permanente de Derechos Humanos del Aguán (OPDHA, or Permanent Human Rights Observatory of Aguán), who in 2014 was criminalized by the Honduran State for her work defending land rights.

According to the Honduran National Women Human Rights Defenders Network, on November 29th, International Day of Women Human Rights Defenders, Irma Lemus was attacked by unknown persons in a white vehicle on the road from Saba to Tocoa, Colón, near the community of Zamora.

Irma Lemus was travelling on a motorbike with Rigoberto Durán, another member of OPDHA, when a vehicle veered to hit them, tossing both defenders into a ditch. The alleged attackers fled the scene.

Irma Lemus and Rigoberto Durán suffered severe bodily injuries and were taken to Tocoa Hospital. The WHRD was diagnosed with a fractured pelvis and was transferred to La Ceiba Hospital in Atlántida.

This is not the first incident that WHRD Irma Lemus has faced, and according to witness accounts, white vehicles had been seen around her community on two prior occasions.

The Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders (IM-Defensoras) expresses our concern about Irma Lemus’ situation and demands that the Honduran State fulfill its obligation to guarantee both her safety and her right to defend rights.

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